• Johnson Manasseh

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Building a Full-Stack Web App in 45 Days – Day 14 (Designing APIs and Documenting Them)

Two weeks into this challenge, and last week’s focus was APIs and Documentation! APIs are the backbone of any full-stack web app, connecting the frontend to the backend and enabling seamless data flow. In this post, I’ll cover how I designed my API structure, best practices for API development, and how I document APIs effectively.

1. Understanding API Structure

I’m following a RESTful API approach, ensuring a structured and scalable API. Here’s an overview of the key endpoints:

  • POST /api/auth/login → Handles user authentication.

  • GET /api/data → Fetches core data from the database.

  • POST /api/data → Adds new data.

  • PUT /api/data/:id → Updates existing data.

  • DELETE /api/data/:id → Removes data.

For scalability, I’m also considering GraphQL in the future to allow more flexible and efficient queries.

2. Best Practices for API Development

To ensure my APIs are efficient, secure, and maintainable, I’m following these best practices:

  • Clear URL Structure – Keep endpoints intuitive and RESTful (e.g., /api/users instead of /getAllUsers).

  • Proper HTTP Methods – Use GET for fetching, POST for creating, PUT for updating, and DELETE for removal.

  • Authentication & Authorization – Secure APIs using JWT tokens.

  • Error Handling – Provide clear messages and standardized HTTP status codes (404 for not found, 500 for server errors).

  • Rate Limiting & Pagination – Prevent excessive requests and optimize performance.


3. API Documentation Best Practices

Good documentation helps developers understand how to use the API effectively. I’m using Swagger (OpenAPI) and Postman collections to document my APIs.

Using Swagger (OpenAPI) for Documentation

Swagger provides an interactive UI for testing APIs and understanding request/response formats. Here’s an example of an API definition:

When documenting an API using Swagger (OpenAPI), you define endpoints, request formats, and responses in a structured way. Here’s an example of how the /api/auth/login endpoint is documented:

Endpoint: User Login

  • Method: POST

  • Path: /api/auth/login

Summary: Allows users to log in by providing their email and password.

Request Body

The request body should be in JSON format and include the following fields:

  • email (string): The user’s email address.

  • password (string): The user’s password.

Example JSON request:

json Copy


  “email”: “[email protected]”,

  “password”: “yourpassword”



  • Status Code: 200

Description: Successful login. The response will include an authentication token.

Why This Works

  • Clear and Concise: Breaks down the API into easy-to-understand sections.

Readable for All Audiences: Both technical and non-technical readers can follow along.

This makes it easier for developers to test and integrate APIs.

4. API Testing

To ensure my APIs work as expected, I’m using the following tools for testing:

  • Postman – For manual API testing, sending requests, and analyzing responses.

  • Jest – A JavaScript testing framework used for unit and integration testing.

  • Supertest – For testing HTTP endpoints in my Node.js/Express backend.

  • Newman – To automate and run Postman test collections in CI/CD pipelines.

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5. API Flow Design

To visually design the API flow, I explored different diagramming tools. Draw.io, Lucidchart, and Miro are great options, but I decided to go with Lucidchart for its ease of use in defining and refining the API workflow.

Next Steps

With APIs structured, documented, and tested, the next focus is authentication and access control. In the next blog (Day 21), I’ll cover user roles, JWT authentication, and securing APIs. Stay tuned! 

How do you structure and test your APIs? Let me know in the comments!


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